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Strategic Risk Solutions Europe Launches Carbon Emission Risk Program - Strategic Risk Solutions

Written by Andrew Berry | Feb 28, 2018 9:25:50 PM

Dublin, Ireland, March 1, 2018

Strategic Risk Solutions Europe (SRS Europe) today announced the launch of its carbon emission risk program. The program, which will be run in conjunction with Kenneth Miger of Carbon Risk Solutions, will initially involve a series of workshops where sustainability directors and risk managers are invited to learn how they can identify, manage and finance the carbon emission risks their firms face in the transition to the low carbon economy.

Carbon Risk Solutions was established in 2015 to identify how risk management and insurance techniques can be deployed to support the commitments made by many leading corporations to become carbon neutral under the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference, COP 21 held in Paris, France. During 2016, Carbon Risk Solutions undertook a comprehensive analysis of the impact an unforeseen increase in consolidated carbon emissions might have on a multinational’s ambitions to become carbon neutral. In doing so, a risk identification methodology and range of insurance-linked solutions were developed, including the use of captives, self-insurance and risk transfer products.

“I am excited to partner with SRS Europe and bring this innovative solution to the market. As a former multinational risk manager, I am acutely aware of the challenges faced by my peers when Executive Management look to their risk department for help on addressing new and emerging risks”, said Kenneth Miger, Director of Carbon Risk Solutions.

Miger went on to say, “it became apparent early on the importance of building a communication bridge between sustainability and risk management departments. Through our structured workshops, invisible barriers will be removed and solutions realised. By educating and equipping sustainability and risk management departments with the necessary methodology and tools we are confident challenges can be overcome”.

“Carbon Risk Solutions has developed a methodology and a range of potential options for multinationals to manage carbon related risks. With our strong network of industry partners and independent global captive management capabilities, we are pleased to partner with Carbon Risk Solutions to bring this program to market and enhance the options available to finance carbon risk”, said Stuart King, President of SRS Europe. “The insurance market has been rather slow to respond to carbon risk transfer solutions for multinationals. We see an opportunity to develop these programs within captives and cells, while the commercial market develops and becomes more comfortable with this emerging risk” added King.

For information about the upcoming workshops, please contact info@carbonrisksolutions.com or stuart.king@strategicrisks.com


About Strategic Risk Solutions (SRS) www.strategicrisks.com

SRS is the 4th largest captive management firm in the world and the leading independently owned manager. The company has representation in all major US captive domiciles, Bermuda, Cayman, Barbados and Europe. It provides financial reporting, regulatory compliance and program management services to existing and prospective captive insurance companies.