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Concord, MA, December 3, 2019

Strategic Risk Solutions (SRS) today announced the final two captive scholarship recipients of 2019. The captive scholarship program covers the cost of selected students attending captive conferences to participate in educational sessions and meet captive industry professionals. 

Ellen Collins, an Actuarial Science major, from Appalachian State University and Yeji (Lydia) Choi, a Risk Management and Insurance major, from Temple University are attending the Cayman Captive Forum, December 3-5th at the Ritz Carlton in Grand Cayman. This marks the last participating conference of the year with 14 students in total receiving captive scholarships during 2019. The full list of 2019 captive scholars and the conferences they have attended are as follows:

Vermont Captive Insurance Association Annual Conference

  • Nakul Arora, Accounting and Risk Management, Wisconsin School of Business
  • Harrison Cameron, Risk Management, Appalachian State University
  • Max Wilson, Actuarial Science, University of Alabama
  • Magda Olivas Carmona, Finance and Risk Management, St Mary’s University

South Carolina Captive Insurance Association Executive Educational Conference

  • Jeffrey Johnson, Risk Management, Georgia State University
  • Erika Perry, Finance and Risk Management, Indiana State University
  • Anna Petrides, Risk Management & Insurance, University of South Carolina
  • Peter Rumm, Risk Management & Insurance, University of South Carolina

National Risk Retention Association Annual Conference

  • Fernanda Sandoval, Finance & Risk Management, St Mary’s University
  • Levi Prieto, Finance & Risk Management, New Mexico State University
  • Yiqi Zhao, Actuarial Science, Temple University
  • Kyle Whyte, Risk Management & Insurance, University of Akron

Cayman Captive Forum

  • Ellen Collins, Actuarial Science, Appalachian State University
  • Yeji (Lydia) Choi, Risk Management & Insurance, Temple University

“We congratulate all the students who participated in the collegiate captive scholars program during 2019. We were impressed by the quality of the young men and women involved in the program and hope that they found the experience beneficial. More importantly, we hope that this experience will lead them to pursue a career in the captive insurance industry” said Brady Young, CEO, Strategic Risk Solutions. “We have been pleased with the program in 2019 and will continue it in 2020 and beyond.  We extend a special thanks to the captive associations for providing the conference registrations which helped make this program possible”, added Young.

The program is open to undergraduate students enrolled in risk management, insurance, finance, and accounting majors. For more information about the program contact Derick White at SRS (   

About Strategic Risk Solutions (SRS)

SRS is the 5th largest captive management firm in the world and the leading independently owned manager. The company has representation in all major US captive domiciles, Barbados, Bermuda, Cayman and Europe. It provides financial reporting, regulatory compliance and program management services to existing and prospective captive insurance companies.

Post by Andrew Berry
December 3, 2019