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SRS Guernsey Office 2021 Carbon Footprint - Strategic Risk Solutions

Written by Sandra St. Onge | May 25, 2022 12:50:07 PM

Strategic Risk Solutions Guernsey Office 2021 Carbon Footprint

Using the ESI Monitor Environmental Framework, Strategic Risk Solutions Guernsey Office have established our first carbon footprint for the last 6 months of 2021 (July-December 2021). This has yet to be verified by a third party, but we are excited to share the outcome of the report. Our carbon footprint came to 2.29 tonnes of CO2e (tCO2e) overall, or 0.51 tCO2e per employee. The most significant areas of carbon emissions came from our staff commute and office electricity usage. We have made the pledge to have net zero emissions before 2050, and following our first carbon footprint review, we are focusing on reducing our emissions from business travel, waste, and staff commute. We are also exploring impact-based carbon offset projects alongside these efforts.

Contact: Sandra St. Onge