Captive Insurance: State of The Market
Strategic Risk Solutions (SRS) is publishing this white paper for the benefit of clients and partners to provide information on the major trends affecting the captive insurance industry and
developments that occurred in the industry in calendar year 2021. The material presented in this report was the subject of our webinar: Captive Insurance – The State of the Market, held on Wednesday February 23, 2022.

The captive insurance industry is a mature market which has evolved to respond to different opportunities in different sectors of the market. Originally created as a means for an organization to insure its own risk, there has been an expansion in the use of captives to different coverages and different sized organizations. Innovation has led to different structures including groups and cells as well as uses beyond the parent organization’s own risk.
Post by
Sandra St. Onge
April 1, 2022
April 1, 2022